Start earning!

What is this?

This is a mechanic in our game created especially for you, allowing you to buy or sell plots of land and earn profits from their sales.

All plots successfully rolled over by you or other players will appear on the Auction.

On the adjacent “History” tab, you can see sold lots, who bought them, and who participated in the auction.

To view all the above information, click on this triangle, and a table will appear:

All plots you acquire or keep for yourself will appear on your Buildings page.

You can also go directly to the Auction from here by clicking the button of the same name.

For sellers

After you successfully complete the Rolling of the plot and choose to sell it at auction with all the settings done:

  1. Profit from the plot sale
  2. You need to mine ore to the specified amount
  3. Plot cost

This plot will automatically be sent to auction, and you will receive a notification about it.

There are several ways to access the auction:

Method one - click the auction button in the pop-up window with the governor.

Method two - hover over the “More” icon, and select “Auction” from the dropdown menu.

You can also see the total number of lots on the auction (4) and recently added lots marked with pink badges (2).

Method three - you can access the Auction directly from the Policy. While in Policy, click on “My Properties”.

In the window that opens, go to the “My Land” tab, then click on “Auction”

Once on the auction page, you'll see all active lots on auction

By clicking the “Filter” button, you open an additional control block for managing the auction page

Here, you can set filters to display plots with specific prices and in particular regions.

By clicking on a plot image, a window with the plot will open, allowing you to perform specific actions

  1. Clicking “Open in Policy” takes you to the Policy page with a focus on this plot
  2. Clicking the avatar or nickname takes you to the public page of the user who rolled the lot
  3. Clicking the small triangle opens a table of bids
  1. Placing a bid increases the previous bid by 10%
  2. A blitz bid doubles the current bid, instantly purchasing the lot
  3. Clicking “Edit” lets you:

You can change the plot's name, add a description, upload a lot image, select one of the accounts: purchase (you will receive 30% less), passenger (you will receive 30% less), or withdrawal. You can also set the percentage of profit from the plot sale. It's important to note that you can only decrease the profit percentage.

Once the first bid is placed, a 24-hour timer will start.

When the timer runs out, the plot will go to the user who placed the last bid unless someone purchases the lot with a blitz bid before the timer ends.

You will receive notifications and account updates regarding the transaction.

You will also see notifications in your Notification History on your page

For buyers

Now, all users have a unique opportunity to acquire plots in Polis, even if there are no free plots available in Polis.

How does it work?

Using the Rollback, sellers will put these plots up for auction, where you can buy them and start building your businesses or expand your business empire on them.

How to access the auction?

Accessing the auction is quite simple:

Hover over the “More” button and click on “Auction” from the dropdown menu

Or, you can go directly to the Auction from the Polis section. While in Polis, click on “My Properties”

In the window that appears, go to the “My Land” tab, then click on “Auction”

In the end, you will be on the main auction page, where all available lots (plots) for purchase will be presented.

Using filters, you can adjust the display of lots that meet your needs.

You can specify the minimum and maximum plot prices, as well as choose your desired region.

To open a specific lot, just click on it.

A new window will open where you can place your bids.

After clicking on “Place a Bid,” a 24-hour timer will appear on the lot.

When the timer expires, the lot will go to the user who placed the last (highest) bid.

Each subsequent bid you place is an additional +10% on the previous bid. For example: if the initial bid is 404 THM, another player raises it to 445 THM, and if you wish to outbid them, you will need to place a bid of 490 THM, and so on.

All bids are in real-time, meaning you will immediately see if someone has outbid you.

You cannot increase your bid until another player outbids you.

You can also view the bidding history for a specific lot by clicking on the black triangle.

However, you don't have to wait until the auction ends, you can immediately purchase the lot by clicking on the “Blitz Bid” button.

Blitz Bid is the amount of the last placed bid multiplied by 2, which instantly purchases the lot.

After winning the auction, you will see a notification about its end and the lot that belongs to you. It will be shown in your Properties.

It will also be displayed in your Notification History on your page.

After that, you can start building on it in the Polis.

Time in the game: 21:50