Violations and penalties
Penalties can be imposed in the following cases:
- The fine for an expired license is paid by the employee and the company where the employee's vehicle is employed (50/50%). A fine can be imposed four times a day.
- The fine for unpaid salaries, delays in salary payments, or tax payments is 50% of the amount owed. The fine is imposed two days after the debt arises.
- For an employed employee who has defaulted on a loan, a fine is imposed on the company. A fine can be imposed four times a day.
In the presence of penalties, most project functions are unavailable.
Violations of project rules
Cashback outside of the project is prohibited! If cashback or refunds to clients outside of the Taxi-money project are detected, the company will be liquidated without compensation!
Violating the rules in any section or part of the project may result in account suspension.
Accounts may be suspended for the following violations:
- Profanity, racism, insults – ACCOUNT SUSPENSION for a period of at least 10 days (excluding personal messages and company chats).
- Advertising, all types of links (except for image hosting) – ACCOUNT SUSPENSION for a period of at least 90 days.
- Agitation against the project, defamation, etc., statements against the project in any form (this is not a democracy here) – ACCOUNT SUSPENSION for a period of at least 30 days up to indefinite suspension.
- Exploiting bugs, errors, third-party programs – suspension from 181 days to indefinite (with reset of game accounts).